We believe that self-care starts with skincare.
Bottles of essential oil with herb

“YOU FIRST” Self Care Life Care is inspired by a personal desire to change my unhealthy lifestyle. When I began this journey, the research on self-care led me to start providing self-care workshops, but the knowledge was only the spark. I wanted to become more active with this knowledge than talking about self-care. I wanted to give something that each person would take with them to begin their journey too. In the research, one thing that stood out to me was that our skin is our largest organ; so what better place to start than skincare?

For the most part, the skin gets neglected in our busy schedules, and we may use minimal care for our skin. Along with that, what we put on our body is wrapped up in preservatives, additives, fragrances, so, the question now is, what nourishers, healers, and protectors do we need on our skin, which plants, oils, and butters are the best?

I started with skincare for the body – then the hands, feet, and other parts. I researched what oils and butter provide healing, protection, and nourishment. I began making the products and used each one myself, adjusting the recipes to get the best formula for each area. The goal and mission of our skin care products are no additives, no preservatives, just nature’s best plant-based oils and butter to nourish, heal, moisturize, and soften and protect our skin. Our products are not from kits.

Meanwhile, our products for beards were created for my friends and sons, who are all bearded. I began blending the butter and oils to start caring for the skin under their beards and then the beard. The solution I have developed led to the creation of beard balm, beard & stache kreme, and beard oil, along with the tools to groom the beard, like beard comb and brush sets. The products for eczema, pain, hair & scalp are the result of friends reaching out asking me to create skin care products for the specific needs in their lives.

Our body oils and butters are plant-based, affordable and can be used by men, women, and children.


“YOU FIRST” Self Care Life Care believes that what we use on our skin should be nourishing to our skin. Our body oils and butters are produced and developed in combinations that make them healing when applied to the skin.


“YOU FIRST” Self Care Life Care envisions being the community’s most trusted brand when seeking skincare products.


We value integrity in creating our products. When we say our products are made of organic ingredients, we truly created them free of chemicals and preservatives harmful to the skin.

Join us, explore, discover, and enjoy natural skin care products for your self-care life care. Remember, “You are the number one player on your self-care life care team.” Donna Belvin

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